Title of bootleg: Enter the exact title of the bootleg.
Artist: Enter the recording artist.
Label: Enter the label and catalog number, i.e. "Vig-O-tone; VT 125"
Format: CDLP Select the format of the bootleg.
Sound Quality: Rate the sound quality on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the best).
Overall Value: Rate the overall value on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the best).
Review: Enter a brief review of the bootleg, what you think of it, it's historical significance, how it compares to similar boots, any utstanding tracks, basically anything you want to say about it.
Track Listing: Enter the track listing. One track per line, numbering each, i.e.: 1. God Only Knows (live) 2. Little Children (demo) 3. Still I Dream Of It 4. Sherry She Needs Me (track only)